Meet our alumni
…who started with Red Brick in their early days!
"Red Brick was a fantastic experience which provided us with lessons and connections that helped us raise our pre-seed round and that are still relevant today."

"Red Brick accelerator program greatly helped us in taking the startup best practices into practice and solidifying our progress. Mentors helped us in gaining new ideas and in improving our business model plans."

"I believe Red Brick accelerator is absolutely top-class. We've done one other accelerator before, and it can't compare if I am completely honest."

"Red Brick helped us understand the market context and determine the next steps in our expansion. Through the acceleration, we’ve tested the Spendbase demo into the Finnish market and got insights into Finnish companies’ needs and valuable connections in the community."

"Entered without a clear direction, finished with a running pilot program that is about to end with excellent results. We were accelerated!"

"During the 10-week program, we polished our business plan, got valuable feedback on our solution, and gained confidence that we can turn our start-up into a profitable company."

"Red Brick gave us just what we wanted. At the start of the program we felt stuck with very little idea what to do next. Now we have growth and a clear plan for the next 12 months."

The support we received during the accelerator from Red Brick coaches and experts was incredibly valuable for finding the right customers and developing our business.

The best thing about the Red Brick experience was that we knew exactly what are the next steps to do after the program.